
Jesse W. Soby Post 148, Langhorne PA


Post 148 Officers

Commander Walt Davidson
Senior Vice Commander Neil Clabbers
Junior Vice Commander Gene Enama
Adjutant Dave Lowry
Financial Officer William Stout
Service Officer Joanne Elliot
Sergeant at Arms Don Solt
Judge Advocate Joe Grimes
Chaplain Larry Landes
Historian TBD

Sons of the American Legion Officers Post 148 

Commander Steve Zalot
Sr. Vice Commander Kevin Brandt
Jr. Vice Commander Todd O'Brien
Adjutant James Maier
Finance Officer Edward Daltwas
Sergeant At Arms Robert Bealer


American Legion Auxiliary Officers Post 148

President Jackie Stout
Vice President Dolores Danielson
Secretary Kathy Boyer
Treasurer Betty Casey
Chaplain Dolores Danielson
Historian Betty Jones
Sergeant at Arms Dolly Schaffer, Kathy Boyer
Corresponding Secretary Helene Hartman