Post 148 Officers
Commander |
Walt Davidson |
Senior Vice Commander |
Neil Clabbers |
Junior Vice Commander |
Gene Enama |
Adjutant |
Dave Lowry |
Financial Officer |
William Stout |
Service Officer |
Joanne Elliot |
Sergeant at Arms |
Don Solt |
Judge Advocate |
Joe Grimes |
Chaplain |
Larry Landes |
Historian |
Sons of the American Legion Officers Post 148
Commander |
Steve Zalot |
Sr. Vice Commander |
Kevin Brandt |
Jr. Vice Commander |
Todd O'Brien |
Adjutant |
James Maier |
Finance Officer |
Edward Daltwas |
Sergeant At Arms |
Robert Bealer |
American Legion Auxiliary Officers Post 148
President |
Jackie Stout |
Vice President |
Dolores Danielson |
Secretary |
Kathy Boyer |
Treasurer |
Betty Casey |
Chaplain |
Dolores Danielson |
Historian |
Betty Jones |
Sergeant at Arms |
Dolly Schaffer, Kathy Boyer |
Corresponding Secretary |
Helene Hartman |